Sound design, technical design, visual design, and creative explorations to promote art and humanity. Open to collaborations - local, international, and even intergalactic.
Creations for movies – sound design and editing, sound designer, music production and effects, various jobs related to the industry and art.
VEDA is a CINEPOEMA made by Lola Lustosa and Vanessa Cokaric. The work is a manifest in favor of humanity and collective future. Have you stop to think what it does mean to bring one into life today? What is the power of that? The film is a tribute to the ones that never desist of the yang generations and will fight for harmony with nature.
I participated in the film by post-processing the audio and creating the final mix.
Fusion at Flash Vallisaari – Photo: Lauri Tuomiranta
Fusion is a collaboration with Tuomas Tuomiranta, who coded the animation with Processing. The data was used to create the sounds by me with Max. The data from Processing was transferred to Max in real time by OSC. I did several renditions of the data, and composed the final sound design from the renders, so that it would flow well with the dynamic of the animation.
The foundation of the sound track are the actual colors and their frequencies, which appear in the music as if the colors would have been directly translated into sound. The changing properties of the animation elements also were used to shape the sounds.
Fusion Max patch
Not long after we started the collaboration, there became an opportunity to exhibit the piece. Fusion premiered at Flash Vallisaari on the 21st of September 2018.
The visuals were transformed into sounds, and these were then used as the basis for the final composition and the sound design. The main actor Pasquale se Fabbio dictated a poem, and his voice was turned into notation for the main melody line.
Seppo Renvall is a pioneer in Finnish experimental film. He works mainly with film and video, but hid artistic output also includes photography, installations and happenings. His films are characterised by an abstract imagery in black and white and a non-narrative structure that often focuses on the apparently commonplace and everyday.
I must consider myself lucky and grateful to have worked with him on NAPOLI film, which premiered on the 11th of May in 2017.
Perdition’s Mouth is a co-operative dark fantasy adventure game. The creators were in a quick need for the soundtrack for a trailer, which preceded a Kickstarter campaign for the game. All the best for the campaign!
Musical contributions for a Finnish Zeitgeist inspired documentary film Ajan henki. Not all of the tracks on this reel were used for the final soundtrack. Besides the soundtrack music created for the occasion sarana live sets were employed for certain scenes.
I also created the Dolby Digital 3.1 mix for the final soundtrack and post-processed the sound.