Poster for a humanitarian campaign

Poverty is in your hands
We can all contribute to the flow of giving and sharing. If the channel is broken the ones below are the first to suffer.
All of the power is in our hands. You should be free to to do with them what ever you wish for. Why is it that we cannot give from what we have? Is it because we feel that we are too poor, or is it because we are selfish, or do we already barely live from what we can get.
How come so much is wasted then? The ones in the bottom live from the waste that is thrown away… Equalizing the flow means less wasting and more giving, a better life for everyone.
Poverty touches all levels of life, not just the poor. That poverty exists means that we are all poor. The ones who give are the richest of the world.
This poster is the call for action, and a sad display of today’s reality – but there’s hope too.
The campaign website. If you have a Facebook account you can vote for (like) the image here in the campaigns competition album. The voting is on until August 31st.

I don’t know how long the operations at the BP oil spill site are going to take, but they can be followed via live feeds from underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROV) working at the site. I’ve collected the feeds to a single page. (Operations are over, link is disabled).
It’s convenient to save the page and open the resulting HTML file locally on your computer. The page acts as a mediator, so you can take it anywhere. If you change the size of the browser window the media player sizes can be set to accommodate the new window size by refreshing/reloading the page.
Clicking the title of a feed opens the view to a pop-up window.
Update 20th July: New feeds have been added.
Update 18th August: Inactive feeds removed.
Update 2nd September: Feeds added
Update 18th September: Feeds updated
Update 5th November: Main operations at the site have ended and the page has been taken down.
Sound design for an exhibition

The Finnish Aviation Museum organized an exhibition about flight related myths and legends. The exhibition is called Myyttinen Lento or Mythical Flight in English. The exhibition was designed to spur imagination of kids (and adults). One of the objects of the exhibition was a magic carpet you could ride yourself.
For the design I co-operated with Marko Ahokangas from Dept. of Lighting and Sound Design of Theatre Academy of Finland. Marko created the sounds and I programmed the player. Plogue Bidule was used to create an ever changing and never repeating soundscape, which was fed to an eight channel PA-system, which encompassed the exhibition space.
The location of the sounds in space was controlled by four separate eight channel linear output selectors, which were modulated by independent sine wave oscillators. The sounds were divided in two categories – fast and slow sounds were panned and controlled by separate sub-programmes.
One layer of the soundscape was a synthesized wind like instrument, which picked its pitch (Via FFT) from the other sounds and acted as the musical element. For example when a sound of an airplane was playing and the synth was trigged the synth picked a frequency from the sound of the airplane and generated a musical tone that was in tune with the sound of the airplane.
Provided here is a two channel sample of the completed soundscape.
Website for a youth camp